
February Focus: Prevention!

Let’s talk about preventative dentistry for kids. We want to spread the word about how poor oral health and cavities impact our kids’ health and quality of life. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), dental caries/cavities are four times more common than childhood asthma and three times more likely than childhood obesity. That means that the most common condition among children is largely preventable. In their 2021 State of Little Teeth Report, AAPD examined the epidemic of tooth decay among children. Check out the following key stats from the Report:

  • Tooth decay is the NUMBER ONE chronic infectious disease affecting children in the United States and is on the rise, but it is largely preventable.
  • The rate of tooth decay in baby teeth of children aged 2 to 5 years increased nearly 17% from 1988-1994 to 1999-2004.
  • By age 5 about 60% of children will be affected by tooth decay.
  • Children with oral health problems are THREE TIMES more likely to miss school due to dental pain than children with no oral health problems.
  • AAPD recommends taking a child for their first dental visit by the age of 1.
  • Delaying dental care to age 2 or 3 can have a negative impact on a child’s oral health. 40% of parents and caregivers surveyed are delaying their child’s first visit until after age 2.

Each February we celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month! During the entire month of February, we focus on preventative dentistry for kids because we are passionate about children’s healthcare. Take this time to increase awareness about pediatric dental hygiene – and find out how you can best support your child’s dental care.
